One of the most essential aspects of maintaining a healthy mouth is regular dental cleanings. At New Tempo Family Dental, we offer comprehensive dental cleanings to our patients in Tempe. Dental cleanings involve the removal of dental plaque and tartar from teeth with the intention of preventing cavities, gingivitis, and periodontal disease. Done by our skilled hygienists, the process not only ensures a clean and healthy mouth but also gives you a brighter, whiter smile. Regular dental cleanings are a preventive measure that helps avoid serious and costly dental problems in the future.
The importance of dental cleanings cannot be overstated. Regular cleanings are crucial in maintaining good oral health and a bright smile. They help prevent tooth decay and gum disease, the leading causes of tooth loss. During a dental cleaning, the hygienist can also identify any early signs of problems, such as broken fillings or fractures. Furthermore, some diseases or medical conditions have symptoms that can be detected in the mouth. Regular dental cleanings can lead to early detection of issues like diabetes, leukemia, heart disease, kidney disease, and oral cancer, which can potentially save your life.
Your mouth produces over 25,000 quarts of saliva in a lifetime—that's enough to fill two swimming pools!
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Dental cleanings help in preventing gum disease, an infection of the tissues that surround and support your teeth. Gum disease is one of the leading causes of adult tooth loss. By removing plaque and tartar, dental cleanings help prevent the onset and progression of gum disease.
Regular dental cleanings allow for early detection of oral health problems such as cavities and gum disease. Early detection means these conditions can be treated before they become severe, saving you time, discomfort, and money in the long run.
A clean, healthy mouth and a bright smile can significantly boost your confidence and self-esteem. Regular dental cleanings help maintain a great smile by removing stains that discolor and dull your teeth.
The dental cleaning process begins with an examination. Our dental hygienist will use a small mirror to check around your teeth and gums for any signs of gingivitis or other potential concerns.
The hygienist will then use a scaler to eliminate plaque and tartar around your gum line and in between your teeth. You'll hear scraping, but this is normal. The more tartar there is in your mouth, the more time they'll need to scrape a particular spot.
After your teeth are completely tartar-free, the hygienist brushes them with a high-powered electric brush and toothpaste. This brushing will clean and polish your teeth. Then, professional flossing is done to ensure that the areas between your teeth are clean. After this is complete, your hygienist or dentist in Tempe will schedule a follow-up appointment.