Oral Cancer Screenings in Tempe

Oral cancer screenings are an essential part of preventative dental health care. These screenings are quick, painless, and can be life-saving. At New Tempo Family Dental, Dr. Leonett uses advanced technology and her extensive experience to perform thorough oral cancer screenings. These screenings are designed to detect oral cancer at an early stage when it is easier to treat. The process involves a visual examination of your mouth and physical palpation of your jaw and neck to detect any abnormalities. If any suspicious areas are found, further tests are conducted.

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Oral Cancer Screenings in Tempe | New Tempo Family Dental

Why Should I Get Oral Cancer Screenings?

Oral cancer is a serious disease that can be life-threatening if not detected and treated early. Regular oral cancer screenings are crucial, as early detection greatly increases the chances of successful treatment. Screenings are especially important if you have risk factors such as tobacco and alcohol use, a history of oral cancer, or significant sun exposure, which increases the risk of lip cancer. Even if you don't have these risk factors, it's still important to get screened, as oral cancer can occur in anyone.

Oral Cancer Screenings in Tempe | New Tempo Family Dental

Did you know…

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Oral cancer screenings can detect cancerous cells even before symptoms appear.

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The Benefits Of Oral Cancer Screenings

Early Detection

Early detection is key to the successful treatment of oral cancer. Oral cancer screenings allow for the early identification of cancerous or precancerous conditions in your mouth. The earlier the detection, the higher the chances of successful treatment and survival.

Peace of Mind

Undergoing regular oral cancer screenings provides peace of mind. Knowing that you're proactive about your oral health and taking steps to prevent serious diseases can alleviate anxiety. If you're at high risk for oral cancer, regular screenings can reassure you that any changes in your oral health are being monitored closely.

Comprehensive Oral Health

Oral cancer screenings are part of a comprehensive oral health routine. They don't just check for cancer; they can also reveal other problems in the mouth, like gum disease or cavities. This means that by getting screened, you're ensuring your mouth is as healthy as it can be.

The Oral Cancer Screening Treatment Process

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Visual Examination

The first step in an oral cancer screening is a visual examination of your mouth. Dr. Leonett will carefully inspect your lips, gums, inside of cheeks, tongue, floor and roof of your mouth, and the back of your throat for any abnormalities such as sores, white or red patches, or lumps.

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Physical Examination

Following the visual examination, Dr. Leonett will conduct a physical examination. This involves feeling the areas around your jaw, under your chin, and down the sides of your neck for any unusual lumps or swelling that could indicate a potential problem.

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Further Testing

If any suspicious areas are found during the visual or physical examination, further testing may be necessary. This could involve a biopsy, where a small sample of tissue is taken from the suspicious area and sent to a laboratory for analysis.

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