Dental Fillings in Tempe

If you have a cavity in Tempe, a filling is the best way to restore your tooth and protect it for years to come.

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Do I Need A Dental Filling?

Dental fillings are used to treat cavities. Common signs of cavities include tooth sensitivity, visible dark, brown, or gray discoloration in a tooth, or deep pits or holes in your tooth. If you recognize one or more of these symptoms, you may have a cavity, and you may need a dental filling from New Tempo Family Dental in Tempe. Contact us today to schedule a consultation with Dr. Valentina Leonett and our team.

Did you know…

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Cavities can cause uncomfortable tooth sensitivity, but do not typically cause severe pain. If you have a serious toothache, your cavity may have progressed to a tooth infection, and you may need treatment with root canal therapy.

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The Benefits of Dental Fillings

Protect your tooth

Dental fillings eliminate the decayed material from your tooth, and protect it from further decay in the future. Your tooth will look, feel, and function just like it did before your cavity.

Treat sensitivity

Cavities can cause sensitivity to hot, cold, and sugary foods. With a filling, you can treat sensitivity and eat your favorite foods without any discomfort.

Saves you time and money

Getting treatment with a dental filling can prevent further complications like a tooth infection, which may require treatment with a root canal. By getting a filling early, you can avoid more complex treatment, which saves you time and money.

The Dental Filling Treatment Process

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Tooth cleaning and prep

To begin the process, Dr. Leonett will clean and numb your mouth. Then, she will use a dental drill to gently remove the damaged and decayed enamel from your tooth.

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Placing your filling

Once she has prepared your tooth, Dr. Leonett will place a soft, tooth-colored filling material into the cavity. Then, she will sculpt it, harden it, and trim it with special dental tools. This restores the shape, appearance, and function of your tooth.

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Final adjustments

After your filling placement, Dr. Leonett will check the fit of your filling using special paper, which ensures it doesn’t affect your bite. If necessary, she will make adjustments to the filling until it fits perfectly. Then, you’ll be sent home to enjoy your newly-restored tooth.

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Frequently Asked Questions

The cost of dental fillings can vary greatly depending on the type of filling, the dentist, and the location. The best way to know the cost of your filling is to consult with Dr. Leonett of New Tempo Family Dental. She will assess your situation and give you an estimate of the cost of your fillings based on your specific needs.

They will then create a treatment plan that meets your budget. If a dental filling is not suitable, the dentist will recommend alternative treatment methods for cavities, such as fluoride treatments, dental sealants, extractions, and other restorative dentistry treatments.

Need dental fillings in Tempe? Schedule an appointment with the compassionate team at New Tempo Family Dental.

Since dental filling is a non-invasive procedure, there isn't much to be done to prepare for your appointment. The most important thing is to practice good oral hygiene. So before your appointment, brush and floss your teeth as usual and follow your dentist's instructions for any pre-treatment.

Inform your dentist of any allergies or medical conditions you may have. It is also important to wear comfortable clothing that allows access to your mouth. Remember to bring any relevant X-rays or medical information to your appointment.

Generally speaking, there is no limit to how many cavities you can fill at once. The number of cavities you can fill in one sitting depends on the type and size of the cavities, your overall health, and the amount of time available for the procedure.

Most dentists will recommend that less than four cavities be filled at once. Your dentist may advise you to divide your filling into multiple appointments.

Yes, you can eat after a dental filling. However, it is important to wait for at least two hours before eating. This allows the filling material to be fully set and can help prevent any damage to the new filling.

You should eat soft foods after a dental filling to prevent pain or discomfort. Recommended options include smoothies, cottage cheese, oatmeal, mashed potatoes, yogurt, and soft-cooked eggs. Avoid sticky or hard foods such as candy, nuts, and popcorn.

Some people may feel nervous about getting a cavity filled because of the fear of pain. Much of this fear comes from what is unknown to people. If you are avoiding a dental filling in Tempe over pain concerns, you should understand that most dental fillings are not painful.

At New Tempo Family Dental, we use a local anesthetic to numb your tooth, jaw, and gums before the filling is placed. This helps prevent any pain or discomfort that may occur during the procedure. Although some patients may experience discomfort, soreness, and tenderness after the procedure, this should disappear with time.

Tooth-colored dental fillings usually last somewhere between 5-10 years before they must be replaced. Over time, it’s normal for fillings to wear out. This is one of the reasons why it’s so important to come to New Tempo Family Dental every six months for a checkup with Dr. Leonett. She can examine your fillings, make sure they're in good shape, and recommend replacements, if necessary.

To maximize the lifespan of your fillings, it’s also important to take good care of your mouth. Brush twice a day with fluoride toothpaste, floss once per day, and eat a “tooth-healthy” diet that’s low in sugar. These steps will help keep both your fillings and your natural teeth in great shape.

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