TMJ Treatment in Tempe

Jaw clicking, soreness, or tension can compromise your comfort and keep you from chewing with natural ease. This pain often stems from TMJ/TMD, a jaw disorder that can be resolved with a variety of minimally invasive, tailored treatments. Find relief with solutions from your dentist today.

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Why Should I Get TMJ/TMD Treatment?

TMJ/TMD treatment is the best way to restore your oral range of motion, eliminate your pain, and get you back to your day-to-day routine. The pain and discomfort of TMJ/TMD can be extreme, and it can stop you from eating your favorite foods, chewing normally, or even speaking without pain and discomfort. Jaw issues like TMJ/TMD won’t get better on their own, and may even get worse over time. If you’re having jaw pain, that’s not normal. Contact us for a consultation right away. We’ll get to the bottom of the problem, give you a diagnosis, and provide the care you need for a healthy, functional, pain-free jaw.

Did you know…

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The prevalence of TMJ/TMD is between 5% and 12% in adults. That means it's the second most common type of musculoskeletal pain, behind only lower back pain.

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Stress-Free Care For You

We’re committed to making care affordable and accessible. Our team is here to help you finance TMJ/TMD treatment in a way that fits your lifestyle and budget.

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Before & After

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The Benefits of TMJ/TMD Treatment

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The TMJ/TMD Treatment Process

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